I actually began making some quick sweet potato fries (for breaksfast 🙂 and then I though, I might just do a quick onion and zucchini throw together as well and then I thought, I might as well throw a heap of veggies in there with the left over quinoa and brown rice and have it all for delicious breaky…and here is the result…a quick veggie stirfry…with barely any thought involved!
The quinoa and brown rice are a great alternative to white rice for those limiting ‘whites’ and the veggies are all fresh and organic (if you can find them in your locale). A great way to use up the veggies and a super healthy way to start the morning…for some! Or a super way to end the work day – easy & fast 🙂
Super Quick Veggie Stirfry
1 sweet potato
1/2 red capsicum (bell pepper for you lovely Americans:)
1/4 broccoli
1 red onion
1 zucchini
1 cup cooked quinoa and brown rice
1 tblsp soy sauce (or alternative)
1 tsp sweet chili sauce
Lightly fry the red onion and sweet potato for 7-8 min until soft.
Add rest of veggies and cook until desired soft/crunchiness.
Add cooked quinoa and brown rice.
Mix in your choice of sauces and serve:)
By Bamik H