I love a pot luck dinner with all of our good buddies. I just know that the table will be groaning with home made goodness. I’m probably not the only one that goes through a bit of pot luck anxiety trying to think of the best thing to make that is also healthy and delicious. Have you got an upcoming pot luck dinner? We’ve got you covered…
This month’s issue of the Goodness is loaded with so many delicious and healthy pot luck dinner ideas. Like this cauliflower pizza base with tomatoes, leek and eggplant…
As well these gorgeous cherry cashew cheesecakes which are not only gluten and dairy free but also raw and super easy to make…
There are so many recipes to choose from…the one that’s definitely going to join our pot luck is the tomato and zucchini pie pictured above. It covers all the bases – tasty, beautiful and healthy. And then I might just do these raw coconut bites…can’t resist!
Pot Luck dinner? We’ve got you covered!