Kids mindfulness practice

Mindfulness for Kids – The New Superpower

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Mindfulness, the new Superpower for Kids
By: Rekha Magon, co-founder of Inner Rhythm

A child’s personality is significantly developed by age seven. By this time, children already exhibit the traits that remain with them throughout their lives. Therefore, the initial years in a child’s life are crucial to shape their character and have a lasting impact on their future.

Did you know that…

  • 90% of a child’s long term happiness is determined by the way their brain processes the world.
  • A child’s brain is 31% more productive in a positive compared to a negative state of mind.
  • Dopamine floods into the body when the brain is in a positive state. This turns on the learning centres in a child’s brain giving them the ability to adapt to the world in a meaningful way.
  • Simply put, empowering children to positively interpret the world will impact their personality and transform their lives. This is mindfulness.


What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a particular way of paying attention with a positive mind. It is the mental process of purposefully bringing positive awareness to one’s moment to moment experience. With regular practice, mindfulness is known to change impulsive reactions to more thoughtful responses.

Mindfulness has become popular worldwide. Mindfulness is being used in medicine to treat patients, in corporate environments to increase productivity, and by athletes and artists to enhance performance. With so many leaders and role-models attributing their success to a regular mindfulness practice, the time has come to bring mindfulness to our children.

Rekha Mindfulness for kids

A regular mindfulness practice at home can:

  • Improve your child’s concentration and memory recall
  • Increase the ability to problem solve and make responsible decisions
  • Enhance academic success
  • Reduce anxiety and cultivate coping skills
  • Increase awareness and empathy of self and others
  • Improve behavioural patterns and build healthy relationships
  • Unfortunately, our current education system focuses solely on academic performance with little emphasis on social and emotional learning. It is crucial that parents help fulfill this gap by watering the seed of mindfulness in their children.

Mindfulness and mindful parenting

Mindful Parenting
Given that children absorb so much from the behaviour of parents, it’s essential that parents learn to be mindful role-models themselves. Children silently observe and mimic how their parents react to various stimuli. For that reason alone, it is critical for parents to embody the concept of mindfulness to have a lasting impact on their children. Developing a regular family mindfulness practice can be fun, healing and transformative for both children and parents.


Read more and find out how to begin from our article by Rekha Magon, co-founder of Inner Rhythm the latest edition of Healthy Mama Magazine. Click below to subscribe to our NEW DOUBLE-SIZED editions…x

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