Grain alternatives - are they friend or foe?

Grain alternatives – are they friend or foe?

Bamik HInsightful article, Love The Goodness Leave a Comment

When sitting down to eat these days, with friends or family, it is not uncommon to hear someone mention a wheat intolerance or request grain alternatives. There certainly seems to be increased awareness of how certain grains affect our bodies. I believe that some people cannot tolerate grains at all, and are better off eliminating them from their diet. On the flip side, the rest of us do just fine.

Whole grains contain phytic acid which is indigestible for humans because we lack the right enzymes to process it. It also blocks the absorption of good minerals such as calcium, iron zinc, magnesium and B vitamins, potentially contributing to a mineral deficiency. Don’t worry though, this can be avoided through proper preparation.

There are a few things you need to consider before choosing to eat grains. The modern, crossbred wheat grain that has been introduced into today’s diet shows little resemblance to the wild einkorn variety that our Neolithic ancestors consumed (albeit rarely). If you do choose to include grains in your meals, be sure to enjoy them in moderation. Think of the grain as a side dish rather than the main event. This becomes second nature when you begin to incorporate foods that are nutrient rich and higher in fat and protein. These foods help to keep you fuller for longer, meaning you are more likely to lose and maintain weight, have more energy and feel better overall.

Choosing delicious NUTRITIOUS grain alternatives

Any grain, seed, nut or legume needs to go through a simple preparation process to neutralise the phytic acid so that the nutrients can be absorbed by the body. Check out the ‘Step by step process on how to prepare grains’.

Here are some scrumptious grain alternatives to add to your repertoire

Written exclusively for The Goodness Magazine by AJ from The Noble Nutritionist.

Enjoy reading the rest of this article in the
July 2014 Issue of Healthy Mama Magazine (formally The Goodness Mag).

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