Did you know that the best beauty salon is your fridge? Seriously, how much time and money do we all spend looking for that one magic ingredient that will make us glow when all along the thing that will really make a difference is what passes our lips…
Food and beauty makes total sense. Of course, we know that staying hydrated will help keep our skin smooth but what about our food? Eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting exercise are all important factors but what if there were foods that actually enhance our beauty? Laurentine ten Bosch from Foodmatters has done quite a bit of research into food and beauty and has created an amazing Beauty Salad, that features in this month’s magazine, chock full of ingredients that will actually add new sparkle to your current beauty regime. So, next time you’re thinking about buying that expensive pot of creme perhaps you should stop off at the farmer’s market first. Check out this month’s mag for the salad recipe and below are some key ingredients and what they can do for your face!
Food and Beauty
Here are just a few foods that make you look and feel beautiful!
Onions and arugula (rocket) are high in sulfur, a beautifying mineral which cleanses the liver and skin.
Radishes and cucumber are high in silica, which is necessary for the strengthening and moisturizing of hair, skin and nails.
Red and orange vegetables contain beta carotene which our bodies convert to vitamin A – an antioxidant that prevents cell damage.
Edamame contain collagen which is essential for keep skin supple and wrinkle free.
Swiss Chard contains high amounts of biotin, a b-complex vitamin that is associated with healthy skin.
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