Looking for easy healthy kids recipes with minimal ingredients? This section is dedicated to delivering super simple recipe ideas for the healthy mama (a.k.a. lazy mama on occasion…which is totally OK!). Five recipes, with under five ingredients for under fives. The Goodness 555’s section this month is so colorful and berri-licious! Covering all the seasons so no matter where you are on the planet, you can find a treat so tasty, you will likely eat as many as the children!
- Baked black apples – Autumn/Fall yummyness filled with almonds and warming goodness
- Banana chips – super super easy and crunchy without a dehydrator!
- The easiest most nourishing choc chip cookie ever – you’ve gotta see this one 🙂
- Cherry coconut smoothie – like a cherry ripe but super healthy and loved by the kids
- Strawberry pineapple pops – another kid friendly and tasty treat…try to keep some for the kids though
Enjoy all these easy healthy kids recipes in Issue 3 (Sep 14) of Healthy Mama Magazine (formally The Goodness Magazine) together with many more healthy snacks, treats & kids recipes all-in-one place.