dream alchemy - what your dreams reveal about you

Dream alchemy – what your dreams reveal about you

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Jane Teresa Anderson has dedicated her working life to helping people understand themselves and make positive changes through working with their dreams. She took a few moments out of her busy life to share some of her journey with The Goodness.

Please tell us a bit about yourself and the work you do.

I love to help people understand and interpret their dreams so that they can gain fresh insight into the way their unconscious mind colors their waking life experiences. When you understand your dreams, you understand why your life is the way it is. From there, it’s a simple step to decide how you would prefer your life to be, and to do exercises (dream alchemy) that help rewire unconscious limiting beliefs, resolve conflicts, find new solutions to old problems, and generally discover and enjoy a bigger, more meaningful sense of living.

…by experiencing dream alchemy, you can help rewire unconscious limiting beliefs, resolve conflicts, find new solutions to old problems…and discover a more meaningful sense of living.

You started your working life as a scientist.

Can you tell us a bit about your journey from science to where you are now? I graduated with an Honors degree in Zoology then began a PhD in London. But, I wanted to be more directly involved in working within the community, helping make sense of some of the more interesting areas of science. Getting a job at a prestigious museum in Glasgow heading a traveling exhibition unit was a defining moment, but I only recognize that looking back. It was there that I acquired the writing and media skills that gave me the confidence to follow my interests, go my own way, write, and do radio. I took time out to have my beautiful children during a period of living overseas.

Interview with Jane Teresa Anderson exclusively for The Goodness Magazine.

Enjoy reading the rest of this article – in the August 2014 Issue of Healthy Mama Magazine (formally The Goodness Mag) including:

– How to heal yourself by understanding your dreams,

– How parents can help their children resolve nightmares, and

– What a python coiling around your waist or a passing ghost really mean?

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