
Curing Endometriosis Naturally – One Woman’s Story

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Sabrina Muscat was told she would never have children without trying a round of chemotherapy. Even then, she only had a slim chance becoming pregnant. She listened to her heart and used her head to find another path to curing endometriosis naturally. Here is her incredible story.

woman meditating on beach

In early 2013 I was diagnosed with stage four Endometriosis, a condition where tissue from the membrane that normally lines the uterus — the endometrium — grows outside the uterus, typically on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines or other areas in the pelvis. Between 25 and 50 percent of infertile women are estimated to have Endometriosis.

My endometriosis had spread through most of my organs and I was told I had very little chance of ever falling pregnant. In fact, if I was to have any chance of having children, I should begin a six-month course of Zoladex straight away. (Zoladex is a hormone therapy and a type of chemotherapy used to treat prostate cancer/ovarian cancer and non cancerous endometiosis.) Once treatment was completed, I would then only have a couple of months to try and fall pregnant before the endometriosis would start growing back.

I really didn’t see the advantages of putting my body through 6 months of torture, only to be given a slim chance of falling pregnant. In my mind I felt I only had 3 options: 1) To give this crazy treatment a go without much hope, and running my body down in the process; 2) to forget about ever baring children and continue living in pain; 3) to go back to basics and look at the underlying reason why my body was producing too much estrogen and causing these problems in the first place.

I’d always lead a natural and healthy lifestyle, incorporating fitness and a balanced, chemical-free diet. Having a background in nutrition science, I decided to follow my head and my heart, and began (with the help of numerous naturopaths and homeopaths) a diet of predominantly raw and vegan, organic foods.

Fast track to six months later, instead of following the advice from the specialist and wrapping up a course of Zoladex, my decision to try the natural and holistic approach allowed me to fall pregnant – I couldn’t believe I was finally going to have a baby! Not only was a new life growing inside me, but also a surge of excitement to share my story with other women that may be in a similar situation.

Rawspirations, which initially began as an Instagram account, allowed me to do just that. I continue to share recipes that I’ve trialled and tested following a predominately raw/baked vegan & vegetarian diet, all organic and dairy-free, gluten-free and refined sugar-free.

In April 2014 I gave birth to beautiful healthy baby boy, who has not only brought a whole new meaning to my life, he inspires me every day to continue on this journey.

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes it all worth it and I am still discovering new and exciting ways of living a wholesome and happy life through Rawspirations.

A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of it’s persistence. Be persistent with whatever it is you believe in, if your passionate about something, explore the possibilities, be powerful with your decisions and effective with your time. Stop waiting for someday, there is no someday, there’s only today, right now, in this very moment.


Love Sabrina x


Please note: This story is my own personal story and in no way intended to preach. I am not a medical professional, what worked for me may not work for you, everyone is different, therefore you need do what ever your most comfortable with. xx

This amazing story about curing endometriosis naturally was written by Sabrina from Rawspirations. Find more inspiring articles like this one and loads of recipes in Healthy Mama Magazine. Enjoy your FREE subscription below…x

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Comments 1

  1. Wow, an amazing story! I was diagnosed with Endo almost two months ago, after suffering in silence for over eight years. I had the growths removed with a laprascopy and am now focusing on preventing their growth again with self-love, affirmations and a healthy, wholesome and holistic lifestyle.

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