About Healthy Mama & The Team

Goodness Guru Healthy Mama Mag  Design diva Healthy Mama Mag  Systems superman Healthy Mama Mag  Word weaver Healthy Mama Mag

Our Mission: Yes, you heard right…we don’t have one vision of healthy, we don’t think veganism or paleoism is the path to wellness. We simply believe that the best way to feeling wonderful (because that’s what we want right?) is to follow your belly bliss, your heart, your intuition because we can promise you, no specialist nor book will know what’s right for the perfect body you reside in. No one other than your inner knowing knows the truth…and that’s where we come in.

We provide loads of recipes, love, inspiration and real stories from real mamas in a community where you can feel comfortable enough to begin following your belly bliss to health & wellness.

Healthy Mama Magazine is the beautifully designed and digitally published magazine (available on Apple App Store in the Newsstand and the Google Play Store) – these are hand selected recipes from some of the best foodies & nutritionists around the world together with professional articles written for you by nutritionists, best selling authors, psychologists & scientists to help bring clarity to organic living, parenting and well being for you and your family.

You will absolutely ❤  it and want to share it with all the healthy mamas you know!

The Goodness Magazine - Joomag Preview

About Healthy Mama

Who brings you Healthy Mama?

Healthy Mama Magazine is brought to you by an incredible team from around the world living in Australia, South Africa, United States, Spain and Canada. We’re so incredibly proud of our multicultural habitat and enjoy bringing you deliciousness and conscious parenting ideas from our environment to yours. You are more than welcome to share your thoughts, ideas and interests with us through the comments and if you’d like to be featured or know someone who’d be perfect for the magazine, please get in touch directly with bamik [@] healthymamamagazine [dot] com

Your editor-in-chief is Bamik from the Sunshine Coast, Australia (Bachelor of Communications, Masters in Psychology, Writer and Loving Parent to little Oreon).

A Note from Bamik…

Where did it all begin?

Healthy Mama is truly dear to my heart. As with many stories, it all began many years ago when the internal clock was ticking and every part of my being knew that I wanted to become a mother. I went to the doctor for a check up to make sure everything was OK, ready for Nathan and I to only begin thinking about conceiving.

There was a new test available to determine how likely you are to conceive based on your fertility. To be honest, now that I think back, I’m not even sure how reliable the test was or what they were even testing. I’m sure a quick Google expedition could enlighten me….but I digress.

EDIT NOTE: The test determines your level of Anti-Müllerian hormone which doesn’t show very good accuracy in present tests.

The point for me was probably more psychological rather than physical but both equally important. The test came back and the result was devastating. A score of 12 to 24 was average and a score of 25 and above was very fertile.

I scored 4.

A pointless and meaningless number to me then and now. All I knew was that it meant that according to science, on that particular day, I was very unlikely to conceive naturally.

My partner, for some reason, was never worried about this as he knew deep down that we would become parents. His blasé attitude at the time was disconcerting, but turns out, he was completely on the mark!

Nathan and I attended a divine detox and retreat in SavuSavu Fiji in October 2011 and we conceived almost immediately. And by immediately, I mean, we got home end of October and we found out we were 5 weeks pregnant in the first week of December! What an incredible Christmas gift we are so grateful for. In fact, jokingly, everyone at the detox said, ‘be careful’, you may become pregnant here 🙂

The detox consisted of several days of limited solid nutrition and mainly juices, broths, essential fatty acids, daily mind, body, nutritional & scientific education together with as many or as few colonics as you can handle.

Conception was probably a combination of things including the nutrition, colonics, education and more importantly, I let go. Nathan encouraged me to let the ‘test results’ go. We would simply try for a year or so and then we could give all the fertility concepts some thought then. By letting go, I think I allowed little Oreon into our lives.

So this is our story of how parenting, connecting and learning came into our lives. We have learned so much along the way and have connected with some of the most incredible people in the world on this journey which is how and why we bring to you Healthy Mama Magazine. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do creating it for you.

With a whole lotta love from us to you…x ❤


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